Hey guys! I just wanted to share a small milestone in my son's life---his 1st haircut. Now when you see the before and after photos, you'll know what a big deal this really is. He went out this afternoon with Daddy as a little baby in my eyes, but he came back a "real little boy." I had tears in my eyes when I saw how handsome he looks. I am so giddy about his haircut. When my little girls first heard that Ty no longer had a head full of hair, they were upset, but when they saw him they both grinned from ear to ear. I am completely in love. He looks so darling! Wouldn't 'cha agree? :-) Shakira
aww, no longer Wumpy, he's TyTy now. Looks like he's ready for Kindergarten and not even two yet, watch out ladies. ♥ Titi Buddy